Incorporating Building into Tamariki Experiences
Faye is an experienced kaiako learning to incorporate building into the experiences she offers to children. After observing a few carpentry sessions one of the experienced kaiako ran and asking plenty of questions, Faye had a brilliant idea.
She set up a group carpentry session for 7 tamariki. The session started with Faye’s idea of the tamariki working together to build one big project. They all offered suggestions for what they could build and then put their collective ideas onto paper. The excitement was building and infectious. Out in the carpentry area the children worked together to collect all the parts they needed for their build.
They chatted together, had a few disagreements, gathered and discarded different shaped pieces of wood and got their tools ready. As they build, they helped each other hold pieces of wood in place while drilling and nailing. They checked back with their design to make sure they were following their plan and Faye assisted with reassurance and feedback while they worked.
Everyone in the group made a contribution and they shared and practiced skills. When the construction was done Faye had the group share their mahi with the rest of the tamariki during a mat time. The photos taken were cast to the TV and the children involved talked about what they had done and answered questions. They were so proud of their work and really enjoyed every step of the group project.
They learned about planning, design, shared ideas, collaboration, persistence, pride, self-esteem as well as numerous physical building skills. Faye was also learning alongside the tamariki and is so much more confident in her delivery of carpentry experiences for children.