Getting Your Junior Carpenter Started | 4 Essential Tools for Kids – Build With Me
childs hand with nail and ball pein hammer

Getting Your Junior Carpenter Started | 4 Essential Tools for Kids

Getting Your Junior Carpenter Started | 4 Essential Tools for Kids

Young children often express an enthusiastic interest in carpentry and construction. When blocks are not enough to feed hungry imaginations, why not turn to real carpentry?
There are a range of tools specially designed for small hands, and if you’re unsure where to start, we’ve absolutely got you covered with this list of essential tools to get you and your child started!


 Children doing woodwork

Putting two and two together: Starting with hammers

The ultimate first real tool: the humble hammer.

Not only is a hammer often necessary for many building projects, but practising the art of hammering does wonders for your child's motor skills, and hand-eye coordination. Large, flat, and relatively soft pieces of wood laid out with nails of different lengths for your child to practice with are a great idea for getting started - you could consider adding something like a milk bottle top to drive in as your child's confidence levels increase.

Using a hammer


A few things to consider while teaching your little to use a hammer correctly:

  • Demonstrate how to safely use the tool first

  • Guide them to keep their eye on the top/head of the nail while hammering, to avoid missing the nail

  • Use the whole arm to hit the nail, rather than just the wrist or hand. Swing from the elbow for best control of the hammer.

  • Consider covering their hand with yours as they learn to keep little fingers protected

We recommend both the Stubby Claw Hammer, which is the perfect weight with a short, grippy handle for increased control; and the Stubby Ball Pein Hammer, which has a ball instead of a claw.






Browse all Hammers



How big is the sky? Why you’ll need a measuring tape

A measuring tape is essential in any junior tool kit, and you’ll likely notice your child will find substantial enjoyment from this little tool even outside of their carpentry creations.

Measuring different sizes of woodwork components, or marking where to hammer, drill or saw, are key aspects to carpentry of any level.

A measuring tape around the home lets your child explore and make sense of their world, measuring furniture, distance, and even the dog - what a fun way to enhance their numerical and mathematical knowledge!

Check out our awesome range of measuring tapes.

Sandpaper: Make it, Smooth it, Shape it

Nobody likes a splinter, so if you’ve got a young creator who’s spent a long time on their latest woodwork project, sandpaper for finishing is a must.

Smoothing off or rounding rough edges can make a creation not only look fantastic, but be considerably nicer to handle.

Young children may find satisfaction in sanding as they learn about cause and effect.

Our affordable sandpaper pack contains 1m of 80 grit and 1m of 120 grit sandpaper, to tick all the boxes for whatever project is underway at your home or early education centre!

 How to use a prybar


Don’t lose sight - protect little eyes with safety glasses

We can’t skip this bit - eyes are important.

Professional builders and carpenters know the importance of safety glasses, and your kids will feel like true professionals themselves when they’re fully kitted out in their safety gear!

Teach your children the importance of safety from day one - instilling positive habits that will last a lifetime. But don’t be surprised if they disappear to the dress-up box from time to time!

Get a pair for you and a pair for your child here.

The best way to learn is by doing.

If you’re unsure where to start, we say, just start!

The old adage of “practice makes perfect” came about for a reason, and while perfection is not the ultimate goal, your child will only be able to master the use of their new tools with time and repetition.

At Build with Me, we’ve compiled a range of toolsets, consumables and safety gear for your home or childcare environment, and we’re always here to provide guidance should you have any questions. 

Be sure to stay in the loop by following us on Facebook and Instagram for more tips!